Rogue Princess

Rogue Princess by BR Myers
Publisher: Swoon Reads
Publication Date: January 21, 2020
Genres: Young Adult, Fantasy, Romance

I have to start this review by admitting that Rogue Princess has a truly special place in my heart. See, one of the truly awesome things about the Swoon Reads imprint is that they allow beta readers to read manuscripts in order to determine if the manuscripts are worthy of publishing. In 2017, one of those manuscripts was named Never Once, and I casually picked it up, thinking I might like it. I devoured it in two days. Well, Never Once was chosen to be published and renamed Rogue Princess, and I couldn’t be more excited to see the finished product.

Rogue Princess is an adventure story and gender-swapped retelling of Cinderella. It follows Princess Delia, who must marry a prince to forge an alliance with another planet in order to save her own. Dreaming of true love and longing to control her own destiny, she steals a ship from her fleet and takes off. There’s only one problem, it contains a stowaway named Aiden, a thief looking to steal from the palace in order to buy passage off the planet. As the two get to know each other and spark feelings, they uncover a massive conspiracy and must work together before it’s too late.

With adventure, love, and excellent world building, Rogue Princess is a fantastic tale that does not disappoint. I highly recommend it to other YA fantasy fans.

Thank you to XPresso Reads, Netgalley, and Swoon Reads for the review copy!


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